Worldwide Conflict and Resolution

Worldwide Conflict and Resolution

Our ancient history is filled with human suffering, conflicts and wars that have a religious component. The banner of religion was and is still used as a clarion call to promote a particular ideology with its strict rules. It appears that those who promote these ideologies have a hidden agenda. There are also those rooted in their fundamentalist beliefs who try to force their views on society. In either case, they are willing to persistently persuade, manipulate or use force to achieve their goals. They claim that they are following God's will by doing his bidding. Their commitment to their ideology is presented as the only correct one, making all others wrong. Hence, if you are considered wrong, you can be viewed as a misguided, unworthy person. Today, as in the past, one can be shunned or put to death if one's beliefs are conflicted with those who have extreme views.

Finding a Solution

Many similar-minded people believe that the source of our current conflicts is very complex and, therefore, a quick and complete solution is not forthcoming. Many of us are asking ourselves: What I can do to help create a more peaceful world? There are those who feel that wars are inevitable. This hopeless perspective disables one's motivation to search and contribute to a viable solution.

I believe there is a solution that can be helpful in the short term and be part of a more comprehensive solution for the long term. The possible solutions that await recognition are foundationally located in areas that most of us agree on: this is the place to start. What are the beliefs that most of mankind shares and why? The core beliefs of most mainline religions promote a peaceful lifestyle including helping others in need, sharing, and love as a mandate. Working together, we can expand this list of common beliefs, which could become the basis for consensus building. Conceptually, my ideas are relatively simple but difficult to institute. There are challenges to creating a shift in societal consciousness, thus enabling peace to flourish. It is possible to create a peace consciousness regardless of one's religious affiliations, or lack thereof, if our common core beliefs are recognized. It is not necessary to get a one hundred percent agreement from humankind; a small percentage of the population can generate a consensus of ideas that will spread throughout society.

There are always shifts in human consciousness occurring. Consider the following examples: smoking becoming socially unacceptable, a greater desire for organic foods, more tolerance for diverse lifestyles, and (although racism remains a serious issue) more racially tolerant. Clearly, change starts within one's self. As this change is reflected in your activities, it has a multiplying effect on others --which is the nature of energy. Energy is not motionless. Love is an energy that connects us together. Hatred and anger is a disconnecting energy that separates us from each other.

The main idea to consider is that a very small percentage of people scattered across the planet can shift our human endeavors toward a more peaceful world where the needs of everyone can be realized.

This work is not strictly the providence of others. You and I are necessary to this global cause. The following are necessary components which are addressed in a simplified fashion, that when added together can lead to a co-created philosophy establishing a better way to live for everyone.

1) Individually creating a deeper awareness of one's True Self. This requires deprograming our false concepts of ourselves and others. In other words, identify our basic core. This is a major task that requires diligent effort. This is everyone's basis of inherent connection. The question is: who are you?

2) Internalize daily the reality of oneness in all of our thoughts and actions. Separation of anything is a false conclusion created in the mind of man.

3) Using the art of communication to understand and connect with others

4) Knowing that what you do is important. Your life is your message to others. Your life is a contribution that extends beyond yourself. Whether you consciously recognize it or not, in all ways, you live in a world where everything is interconnected.

Who Are You?

It is difficult to deal with any issue if the dynamics of the situation are not understood. Individually and collectively we are complex humans. We have different thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. This complexity of thought processes makes it difficult to clearly understand each other. Too often we blame others for conflicted conversations that tend to separate us. Each of us has the obligation to be clear about one's core, one's essence. Often I will ask someone, "Who are you?" For the most part, the response deals with what a person does. How you choose to spend your time does not define who you are.

Only you can strip away the false conclusions about yourself. Identifying your core essence is your task. The direction you take is enhanced by listening to your internal guidance while exploring the work of others. There are many ways to reach your True Self; no one particular path is best for you. It is a good time to check in with your motivations when you are conflicted with other points of view. There are times when you will discover the true source of your disagreement is not what you thought it was.

Plato (about 400B.C.) believed that humans are endowed with innate ideas regarding what a perfect world would be like. He also concluded that awareness of these ideas required meditation and rational thought. We know that the human mind is not a body part. It is an energy that we all share, similar to the air we breathe.

The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates

The Reality of Oneness

Quantum physics states that everything is energy; that energy connects to energy. Therefore, everything is one - the concept of oneness. Everything is in a state of motion; nothing is static. A daily practice or ritual of looking at how everything is connected can shift your focus in that direction. The separation of anything is a false conclusion. Science tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Modern physics, as applied to human behavior, also states that every set of circumstances is driven by its potential. If we can relax our minds, we can hear the potential of peace calling us to it. At that point, our intellect and internal guidance will provide us with the necessary steps towards peace.

The Art of Communication

There are two important aspects of a connecting conversation -- listening and speaking. A connective conversation cannot happen if one or both parties do not focus on the message being delivered. It is often the case that, while being spoken to, we are thinking about what our next words will be. This is a major problem to rectify. Humans have a need to be heard and understood. When one is not totally focused on the expressions of others, this lack of attention will be sensed and frustration may develop. There is something magical that happens when one intently listens to another with interest and respect; you will probably receive the same consideration in return. At that point, a connective conversation can begin.

We are social beings. Our diversity and interaction are necessary for human wellbeing. We need each other. You are my mirror into myself and I extend you the same courtesy through our interactions. Our wide range of skills and talents provide goods, services and entertainment that is not possible individually.

Your Life is Your Message

Regardless of how one's thoughts, ideas and perspectives were formed, each individual remains responsible for their actions. This is necessary for personal growth and a peaceful resolution of issues that are harmful to one's self and humanity. Notwithstanding this belief, can we consider the idea that there is no such thing as "good" or "bad" people -- just people who function at their level of awareness? When we focus on "bad" people, society tends to fight against the opposition. Fighting against something has many negative connotations. It is a warring stance that inherently leads to defensive actions on both sides with the appearance of separation. At that point, both parties/groups harden their positions with little appetite for reconciliation. When we understand the Principle of Oneness, we realize that this separation is only in the mind of mankind. It is not our reality of existence. Fighting is about winning and not about gaining the consensus necessary for conflict resolution.

By understanding that everyone makes choices that are not always appropriate, the possibility of positive change can be enhanced. I forget how many poor choices I have made in my lifetime. To my credit, I have tried to use some of these experiences to expand my awareness and to make better choices in the future. It is an ongoing process.

As children, we were told "you are good" or "you are bad" or "you did a bad thing" etc. Although these terse comments may be appropriate at times, a steady diet of these types of comments can have unintended consequences. For children or adults, it can make it difficult to find one's moral center. If one judges one's self (and others) as good or bad, it leaves out our natural tendency to do the best we can. Abraham Maslow, a well-known humanistic psychologist, believed that people are born inherently good, with an inner drive toward fulfilling their potential. He concluded that people become bad, abnormal or destructive only when the environment blocks or frustrates their inner nature. If we are going to resolve the issues that set us apart, we must be clear on the underlying dynamics before co-created solutions can become widely embraced.

Process Development

1) Examine one's self. At my core, who am I? One must clearly identify one's True Self for maximum benefit to mankind.

2) Deprogram ourselves from false concepts of self. Creating a true understanding with others is not possible if one is not connected to his real identity.

3) Develop a recognition of one's cognitive disconnect from what one believes and what one states with his words and actions.

4) Regard a deeply-held sense of love as a necessary component of human development and unity. Connecting with love as only a religious mandate may not be adequate to shift human consciousness. Unconditional love can be the motivation to co-create solutions leading to a peaceful environment.

5) Recognize that peace must take root within each of us. Prospects of peace are greatly diminished without peace within self, family and community.

6) Identify the large areas of human belief that most can agree on.

7) Foster good communication skills that are inclusive and respectful.

8) Co-mingle your knowledge, imagination and internal guidance to build a consensus.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and 

understand." -- Albert Einstein

Final Thoughts

Although the ideas suggested here can be difficult to attain and require much diligence, is it not easier than living in a warring environment? Consciously connecting to your true core will assist you with a deeper appreciation of yourself and others. If you have resonated with the Oneness nature of our being, then it can become clear that everyone has a responsibility to create peace that is in alignment with our True Selves. Each of us represents a piece of the puzzle necessary for a complete picture. As a communication tactic, search for areas of agreement as the basis to create consensus. Remember, your life is your message. Imagine what a peaceful world would look like. It is up to you!

Charles Al Huth is an author, teacher, workshop presenter, and magician. He has published Living an Extraordinary Life The magic of Oneness, Essentials for a Changing World Living Harmoniously with Yourself and Others. Al invites you to visit and participate... Al is available for workshops based on his books.. As a Magician Al can enhance your party or special event with an uplifting program of illusions that is compatible with the purpose of your gathering. Web Site:

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