Not Able to Satisfy Your Woman In Bed? Here Is How to Breathe Your Way to Long-Lasting Sex!

Not Able to Satisfy Your Woman In Bed? Here Is How to Breathe Your Way to Long-Lasting Sex!

What if bringing your woman to climax didn't have to be so difficult? What if lasting longer in bed didn't have to be something you have to battle with? What if you could last as long as you want during sex as if you're in full control of your ejaculation, happy, and fulfilled? And you could do it without using pills, creams, or desensitization sprays?

Read on to find out how other guys are able to go from lasting only 10 seconds to lasting for more than 60 minutes in bed, and how you can too.

The way you breathe during intercourse is actually increasing your anxiety levels and pushing you towards ejaculating even faster. Adopt the right breathing technique, take my advice, and in just a few weeks, you'll end the embarrassment of premature ejaculation and last longer in bed and give your woman the right amount of intercourse time she deserves.

Notice how you start to breathe faster as you get close to ejaculation? Unlike other bodily functions that are out of your control, such as getting an erection, breathing is the only bodily function that can be voluntarily controlled.

Why is breathing so important?

If you didn't know by now, keeping your arousal in check is one of the two most important steps that will help you last longer during sex.

And fortunately, breathing is one of the important factor that can help you manage your arousal levels and eventually hold back your ejaculation during sex.

And it goes without saying, to keep your arousal in check, you need to adopt the correct breathing technique. Because as sex intensifies and you do nothing to control it, you end up pushing yourself towards early ejaculation.

So to put it simple, you need to learn and practice the correct breathing technique, and supercharge your sexual stamina in the bedroom. Here, how you breathe, the speed and duration of each breath - is vital.

If you learn how to breathe your way to long-lasting sex, you can keep your sexual arousal in check and hold back ejaculation during sex.

So what is the correct breathing technique?

1. Don't move your shoulders up and down as you breathe - keep them leveled at all times.

2. Use your diaphragm - breathe with your belly. It helps to bring in more oxygen into the body, and gives you greater control during sex.

3. Don't suck in your belly as you breathe in. Instead, push it out.

4. Don't breathe like a panting dog - that is when you take short, shallow and fast breaths during sex; it limits the flow of oxygen to your important muscle groups. Instead, take slow, deep, steady breaths.

5. Don't force your breathing, keep it natural. Because you don't want to increase your anxiety and make your body tensed.

How to Breathe Your Way to Long-Lasting Sex

#1 - Preparing for intercourse: The preparatory breathing

Many guys head straight to intercourse and let their arousal escalate without control.

Now, when it comes to satisfying a woman in bed, you need to take things slow and build up sexual anticipation in her - and foreplay is known to do just the trick to put her on the orgasmic edge, ready to tip over.

Spending more time on foreplay can help you hold off an early ejaculation, because it will give you time to relax.

So what you do here is, you control your breathing right from the onset of foreplay - don't wait till your arousal escalates.

During foreplay, take deep, slow breaths, making sure you breathe with your belly and not with your chest and shoulder.

Again as mentioned, don't suck in your belly as you breathe in. Instead, push it out. This will help you to take in more air, which will get you relaxed and comfortable.

#2 - During intercourse: The in-sex breathing

This breathing technique should be carried over from the preparatory breathing. It will help you control an early climax before things get out of hands.

Remember, take a slow, deep breath, with belly movement.

And when sex intensifies, your breathing will start to escalate, you will also notice a tightening of your PC muscles. When you notice these signs, you need to slow down your thrusting and try to keep your pelvic muscles relaxed.

Plus, make sure you take deep breaths for every 10 to 30 seconds to keep you in control.

Now, if you're finding it difficult to keep your breathing under control, don't force it. Stop thrusting and go down on her and allow your breathing to become normal for a while.

Practice Makes Perfect!

Just like any thing in life, you need to make a conscious effort and practice.

If you follow the 2 breathing techniques I listed above, you should be able to increase the time you spend during sex. It worked for me, and it can work for you too.

Just don't expect results right away as it will take time and consistent practice on your part to see substantial results.

The good news is, any man can learn to "re-program" his physical and mental abilities to last longer in bed and give his woman the actual intercourse time she deserves. Learn how others are able to add 30 or even 60 minutes to the time they spend during sex and how you can too by reading this article: How to Last Longer In Bed

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Not Able to Satisfy Your Woman In Bed? Here Is How to Breathe Your Way to Long-Lasting Sex! Reviewed by Mourad mimoune on 3:17 م Rating: 5

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